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  • Why Remote Work Is A Blessing All Round

    Why Remote Work Is A Blessing All Round

    In a short span of time, freelancers tend to learn a lot about their capabilities. They realise that their talents are malleable, and discover what time of the day they work best. Most importantly, they reap the many benefits from remote working, which is reshaping how we collaborate on projects.

    Project managers, too, can attest to why a remote team is a brilliant choice for the 21st century. Even full-time employees can perform great feats when working away from the office. Care to see why?

    A diverse range of skills

    Let’s stick with freelancing for the moment, as many businesses have opened themselves up to co-ordinating with designers, writers, advisors and media experts from disparate places around the world.

    Doing this – drawing on the talents of those we may never meet, but whose work speaks for itself – creates a momentum whereby experts contribute to an assignment piece by piece. You may prefer a group of freelancers for one project, and reserve others for certain clients.

    In any case, these are wildly different characters coming together under a single, professional ambition. Subsequently, nothing gets stale as everyone throws their unique influence into the pot, whenever you require them to do so.

    Reducing ancillary costs

    The morning commute, on a packed train; finding childcare for the week; forking out £5 for lunch, every single day... as much as getting people under one roof lessens the pain of communication, there are plenty of expenses to rack up alongside it. Remote working allows staff and freelancers to stay at home, which might be incredibly convenient given their financial status and responsibilities.

    It’s a measure of trust, which will reward those who make good use of it. The more you lessen the hardship a worker may face, the higher the chances of them respecting you, and putting their back into a project like never before.

    No large, demanding office spaces

    On the project manager’s side, we again find a tangible plus point, this time in regards to overhead costs. Having a swathe of remote talent at your fingertips gets rid of the need for a big, expensive office. Forget extra desks; they aren’t going to be used. The pressure to invest in a pricey urban location, likewise, is completely negated.

    As for the freelancers and employees, they don’t have to clock in at a specific time. Everyone works to when suits them in the day. So, an early bird may surprise you by getting the lion’s share of a brief done by 11am, whereas a late riser will be peaking an hour or so later, not wasting sluggish performance on the early morning.

    On many scores, remote working satisfies what modern professionals want out of their life – the yearning to be treated as an individual, one who’ll use their skills as they see fit, constantly looking forward to your next assignment. A project management tool, such as Skwish, is your final step for cementing remote culture in your operations. It lays every assignment out, day by day, giving a clear strategy of what must be done.

    Curious to know more? See our awesome Skwish features for yourself, and spread the blessing far and wide.